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Writer's pictureMauricio Larenas

Applying for an OTI License is Easy With AP Tariffs

Obtaining a license from the Federal Maritime Commission to operate as Ocean Freight Forwarders (OFF) or Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carriers (NVOCCs) can be confusing and time-consuming.

AP Tariffs has assisted numerous U.S.-based companies or sole proprietors in their successful applications for OFF/NVOCC license.

There are three steps to apply for an FMC license:

1. Appoint a qualifying individual (QI)

What makes a good QI? They must:

* have at least three years of demonstrable OTI experience (gained in the United States); and

* be an officer of the applicant’s corporation, the sole proprietor of a sole proprietorship, the manager or member in (respectively) a manager-managed or member-managed LLC, or a partner in a partnership.

2. Submit electronically Form FMC-18

Form FMC-18 is the Application for a License as an Ocean Transportation Intermediary and it is divided into several parts, some of which are limited to certain types of application.

3. Pay the required license application fee. Do this when you have completed and submitted all parts of the application.

AP Tariffs can file applications on behalf of applicants to ensure the necessary information is provided to the FMC.

Want to know more? Start by emailing AP Tariffs today! We also offer a free 15-minute Zoom-based meeting here.

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